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Honey FAQs

Why has my runny honey turned into set honey?

Don't worry if this happens - it is called granulation and it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the honey. In fact it is a sign of its purity.

It's still fine to eat, however if you wish to return the honey back to its runny state simply loosen the lid and place it in a saucepan of tepid water until runny again. 


Is your honey as good as Manuka honey?

Manuka honey is a type of honey which is derived exclusively from the bees that feed on the Manuka plant whereas our honey comes from a variety of nectar sources. Our honey has been known to help with cuts and wounds, colds, hayfever and more. Whilst Manuka honey also helps with these issues, there is limited evidence to suggest that it has many additional benefits, although some studies have shown that it has stronger antibacterial properties. 

There is also an increase in fake Manuka honey being sold in recent years. If you do wish to purchase Manuka honey we would suggest researching this properly and keeping in mind that if the price seems very low then it's unlikely to be the genuine product. 


How do you ensure the wellbeing of your bees?

Our honey production is small-scale which means we are able to look after our bees as well as produce honey.

We nurture our bees and ensure they have plenty of honey themselves. We also don't use harsh chemicals and we are very mindful of the bees when checking them - taking care not to squash them or overuse the smoker.

By only having a few hives it means we only have small batches of each honey to sell (we sell out of certain types frequently) but the reason we don't increase the numbers of hives is that we are able to give our bees the best care possible if we keep things small.


Why is my jar of honey a different colour than it was last time I bought it?

This is because no two batches of honey are the same! Our bees are all free range, meaning the exact blend of flowers they visit will vary slightly each time. We can say which flowers are likely to be included in each jar (based on what's in season) but the exact mix will always be unique. The honey may also vary a bit from the picture on the website, again because it might be a different batch. The taste also varies slightly for the same reason.


Is your honey organic?

As above, our bees are free range, so we don't have full control over where they go. We don't use any chemicals or pesticides ourselves, but as we can't be sure of exactly where our bees may travel to whilst collecting nectar, we cannot definitely say that our honey is organic. It is as close as it can be within our control though! 


Why does your honey cost more than it does in the supermarkets?

As our honey is not mass produced it costs us much more, per jar, to make. 

As above, we only produce honey on a small scale and focus on looking after our bees and creating a premium, 100% pure honey in limited quantities. 

The taste of our honey is not comparable to many of the cheaper types available and the majority of our customers come back for more once they’ve tried it. 


Is your honey suitable for vegans?

As vegans do not eat animal products, and honey is made by bees, most people who follow a vegan diet/lifestyle do not eat honey. 

However, we are aware that some vegans will eat honey if it is produced in certain ways. Our honey is locally produced in small batches, we always leave enough honey behind for the bees to eat, we are careful and mindful when checking the hives, and our bees are free range. This may make our honey suitable for some people who would not usually eat animal products; of course this is a personal choice. 


Are they any local stockists of your honey that I can visit in person?

Yes. We only sell our honey directly to customers via the website, but if you wish to buy in person then we have a small selection of stockists located around Yorkshire. To find out where your nearest stockist currently is just get in touch and we'll let you know (it can vary depending on the time of year).